Vybz Kartel’s Freedom Bid Denied Despite Overturned Murder Conviction

Vybz Kartel’s Freedom Bid Denied Despite Overturned Murder Conviction

Jamaican dancehall star Vybz Kartel faces a setback in his quest for freedom as a judge denied his bail request despite the recent overturning of his murder conviction. The ruling, delivered by Justice Andrea Thomas in the Supreme Court of Kingston, keeps Kartel behind bars pending a potential retrial.

Kartel, whose real name is Adidja Azim Palmer, was convicted in 2014 for the 2011 murder of Clive “Lizard” Williams. He was sentenced to life imprisonment with a minimum of 35 years before parole eligibility. However, in March 2024, the UK Privy Council overturned his conviction due to jury misconduct, paving the way for a possible retrial.

Despite this development, Justice Thomas ruled that the murder charge against Kartel remains in effect until a final decision is reached by the Court of Appeal. The prosecution argued that Kartel should remain in custody due to the serious nature of the charges and potential flight risk.

Kartel’s legal team expressed disappointment with the ruling, arguing that he should be granted bail given the overturned conviction. They maintain his innocence and believe that a retrial will ultimately exonerate him.

The denial of bail is a blow to Kartel and his supporters, who were hoping for his immediate release. However, it’s important to note that this is not the end of the road for the dancehall star. His legal team is expected to appeal the decision and continue fighting for his freedom.

The case of Vybz Kartel has captivated the world, highlighting the complexities of the Jamaican justice system and the power of celebrity influence. As the legal battle continues, the world watches closely to see how this saga unfolds for one of dancehall’s most controversial figures.


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